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- Category: Uncategorized
- Directors to meet Monday
- Directors will meet Monday
- Ops manual, encroachment policy subject of next WCID directors meeting
- Director meeting pushed back in observance of MLK Day
- Directors cancel December meeting
- WCID Directors to meet Monday
- Directors to set tax rate, FY 25 budget
- WCID Directors to consider 2025 budget, tax rate
- Komandosky, Masters sworn in for new 4-year term
- June board meeting set
- WilCo unveils Atlas 14 flood study findings
- WCID Directors to meet Monday
- February directors’ meeting set
- November board meeting is Monday
- Directors set October meeting
- WCID Directors to consider tax rate, budget, contracts
- WCID directors set tax hearing
- Directors to hear proposed budget, tax rate
- Directors shuffle meeting schedule to accommodate budget, tax hearings
- Changes to WCID director meetings
- WCID directors to meet Monday, May 15
- Directors set regular April meeting
- WCID Director position open
- Regular directors meeting moved to Taylor Public Library
- Site 25 Info session is this week
- WCID Directors to meet Monday
- WCID directors set budget and hearing
- WCID directors juggle meeting times to meet tax deadlines
- WCID Directors to meet on Monday
- Directors expected to call for May election
- Lower Brushy Creek directors to meet
- November Directors meeting is cancelled
- Lower Brushy Creek directors set tax hearing, expect to lower rate
- Directors slate public hearing for FY22 budget
- Regular Meeting set for July 19
- WCID to mark dam safety day
- May Director’s meeting set
- April Directors meeting is Monday
- WCID Directors to consider erosion control measures
- Directors to consider draft audit at January meeting
- Directors to hold final regular meeting of the year
- Directors called to special meeting
- Annual maintenance contract topic of next meeting of WCID directors
- Final budget, tax rate approval on docket for next meeting
- Budget, tax hearing set for Monday evening
- WCID board to interview prospective new member
- WCID Directors OK private access road, delay appointment of new member
- WCID directors to consider replacement for Kitsmiller
- WCID directors to hold virtual meeting
- WCID directors to hold special meeting
- Lower Brushy directors to meet Friday
- Rural flood control dams in East WilCo haven’t had thorough inspections in decades. That changed in November.
- Ballot Application Deadline
- Directors set final meeting of the year
- Lower Brushy WCID approves breach map study
- Regular meeting
- Lower Brushy Creek is hiring a District Clerk
- Dam Maintenance Tax Passes
- It’s Raining…Dam It